Tag Archives: Mt Kilimanjaro

Cooperation, opinionation, inebriation

It’s always great to see people and companies getting along, so it’s with excitement today that we report on Lilin joining the Onvif group in order to come up with network interoperability standards. Cooperation!

It’s time again for our SI Editor’s View, wherein Security Installer editor Alan Hyder extracts the opinion sword from his analysis scabbard, and does some full-on metaphorical smiting to a raft of issues – including, for the first time on I4S, an imprisoned Nigerian goat.

What better way to celebrate St Patrick’s Day than with a story about security staff in Birmingham being SIA licensed – and in time for the city’s premature weekend parade, to boot? Answer: There is no better way. Reading this story is the optimum way to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. Some genuine Irish people agree.

Elsewhere, Dedicated Micros has got behind a prostate cancer charity by sponsoring Mt Kilimanjaro climbers; and cybersquatters are continuing to prove a problem, according to the UN. The UN!

Don’t forget to involve yourself with the IFSEC Conference 2009. It’s got an interesting and diverse agenda. Some people believe that if you fail to attend this conference, some kind of ancient curse will be placed upon you. It seems unlikely, but it’s probably not worth risking it.

Schwing! www.info4security.com, and www.ifsec.co.uk. Jiminy!

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